hello hello
i know
i disappeared
i was in mongolia... not only that, in the countryside, way into the heart of mongolia, to the land where my grandmother was born
it was amazing, didn't wanna come back, didn't wanna leave that beautiful place... it was just bliss, heaven...
and now i'm back... feeling a little disoriented
but all is well, it seems that i was energized and recharged in mongolia... it happens every year i go back... and the funny thing is, the charge runs out around new years... and the 2nd semester of my life, actually my school life which is my life, kinda tumbles on forward, like a child learning to walk and by the time summer has come, i'm a complete mess...
what is up lisa darling? working, i suppose, with all those hormones hehehe, i would think the battle with your hormones would have finished by now, who won i wonder... summer is nasty...
but mine passed on so peacefully and beautifully... and i look forward to autumn and the whole year ahead of me... and to you of course...
love you much much